

I am an adventurer in design, always looking to take my customers somewhere new. My joy is in freely exploring color and design, similar in the way you explore the world and         space around you. At SUNJUNKI I honor you are unique and can not be copied. It is this approach I take when creating my garments. My intention is for you to standout with quality, unique, functional and comfortable products with all-day wearability.

I was born under the Zodiac sign of Pisces - my element is water and my symbol is the fish. Imagine being a fish and allowing the tide to take you on a never-ending journey where you are free to artistically interpret all you see in nature. SUNJUNKI is focused on creating attractive, engaging and functional designs with your absolute comfort in mind.

At SUNJUNKI I value your individuality, so much that I often will collaborate together with my product users. Much like changing trends, exploring color and design has limitless potential. The benefit of a small, privately held company like SUNJUNKI is the ability and freedom to explore these limits and create truly unique, one-of-a-kind, functional garments. 

SUNJUNKI is the brainchild from my love affair with the sun, sand and water. I am a SUNJUNKI! Cutting my teeth of my seamstress career began with designing and sewing custom         bikinis. That was my first crazy notion - bikinis!! That's just an insane place to start. Insane or not, it quickly blossomed into many products of useful beach-themed items primarily designed for women and children. In my unquenchable search for beautiful color, I began to explore and learn about hand-dyeing my own raw fabrics. It was through this discovery of color I blew the lid off my design potential. 

I truly appreciate your interest in my products. Your satisfaction is my goal; creating junki's for SUNJUNKI - get hooked!

    ~ Michelle Marie